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Invitation to Love for Valentine's Day

Dear friends,

The brief statement below comes from the inspiring website These words are designed to be an invitation to love for all around us on Valentine's Day. Take a moment to read these words slowly and really feel the beautiful message here. By choosing to focus less on what divides us, and more on what unites us, we can build a world filled with more love and caring together.

A Valentine's Day Invitation to Love

Every person in the world has a heart.

Every heart has a place within
that wants only to love and be loved.

Let us connect with that
place of love in our own heart
and in the hearts of those around us.

Let us take a moment now
to open to the heart connection
we share with all people through love.

If this invitation to love helped to open your heart, spread the word by sharing this message with your friends and loved ones. You might also enjoy exploring the wonderful website which has an abundance of inspiring news, stories, and resources for spreading love and inspiration. Thank you for taking this moment to invite more heartfelt love into our lives and into our world on Valentine's Day and beyond.

With warm wishes for Valentine's Day love,
Fred Burks for the inspiring and educational PEERS websites

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Invitation to Love for Valentine's Day

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