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Be the Change

Dear friends,

We are now in a special transition time where there is a major opportunity for significant positive change in our world. This is an invitation for you to step more fully into being the change through a powerful and inspiring online course developed by PEERS. Are you ready to be the change you want to see in your life and our world? If you are, the Insight Course was designed for you.

This free, online course brings together the best of the Internet and the very best of PEERS and the Web of Love to inspire and educate you in a dynamic and powerful way. The journey through the course is lovingly crafted to expand your awareness and provide tools enabling you to more effectively build a better life and world.

This course is beyond price! It helped me realize that it is actually okay (and safe) to love everyone. That was a really powerful insight for me. Thank you.  ~  Ursula D.

The mind and heart expanding Insight Course covers a rich variety of life topics masterfully woven together. Course lessons will deepen your insight, expand your horizons, and embolden you to be the change you want to see in the world. Each lesson contains thought-provoking essays, quotes, photos, online videos, and exercises designed to inspire and to bring greater understanding and deeper meaning to your life. And you can move through the course at any pace you like with the option of support from caring guides who have completed the course.

I just wanted to let you know that I am so grateful to have found this course. What a HUGE gift it has been for me! I am healing in ways I had no hope of healing. ~ Brian E.

The comments of course participants have been absolutely stellar. Many have experienced major transformation in one or more areas of their lives. Below are more moving messages from those who have completed the course. If you decide to explore the course, you are almost guaranteed to be very thankful for having taken the time. To see the table of contents for the course, click here. To begin this rich and exciting journey, visit

With abundant love, joy, and hope,
Fred Burks for the inspiring and educational PEERS websites

Note: If you feel you don't have time for the whole course, you might appreciate exploring just one or two lessons. The two lessons which have consistently drawn the most positive reviews are lesson 3 and lesson 20. To go directly to these lessons, click on the links just given. Enjoy!

Messages of Appreciation for the Insight Course

Working my way through this material is changing me. I feel more contentment than I have ever felt before, even while becoming more aware of the distress of our world at this time. The course has given me hope that there is still time for me to contribute to Love's work within our world and universe. It feels like returning home and finding that I am not all alone.  ~  JoyAnna S.

I know I will be returning to many of these lessons over and over till they become a regular part of my life.  ~  Randy R.

I considered myself a relatively well informed person before I began the course, but I learned a lot, and especially benefited from the overall perspective that the course gave me. All this vitally important info in one place, with the needed support to withstand the disturbing truths. I've never seen anything like it.  ~  Meredith T.

I'm still awestruck that I've been led to the information and inspiration of the course. I don't have the words to express the thrill that it gives me to have this happening in my life. Thank you so much for this info and for just being there. It's a great relief that I've been led to a group of souls who I can relate to. ~ Craig Z.

The course has helped me to get grounded when people, information and energies around me are going wacko.  ~  Mary A.

I was profoundly moved and inspired. From the depth of my being, thank you for your role in our awakening.  ~  John L.

The most empowering, thought-provoking, shit-disturbing message that you repeat over and over is the acceptance of what is and the power of love as a transformational tool. I thank you for that. I am doing the breath work more often and with a wider variety of others - friends, enemies, and family. I find myself humming almost non-stop and definitely am smiling more!  ~  Cathy M.

I am definitely getting a more complete picture of the world around me. This makes all sorts of things easier to comprehend and hence less "scary." I feel more connected to people around me. When I see people going about their business, I can imagine they have families, brothers, sisters, joys and sorrows ... a life, just as important to them as mine is to me. I can't help but be nicer, more tolerant of people when I see them like this.  ~  Jeremy W.

Each day I find more peace of mind and am experiencing so much growth. I am feeling so centered and peaceful. I am finding the course wonderful, and am excited everyday that I can spend the two hours or so for each lesson.  ~  Jennifer L.

To see the manifestation of this course in so many areas of my life is extremely reassuring. I have come a long way from being someone who was always tough on himself and self persecuting. My growth and understanding have been nothing short of remarkable in terms of manifestation in my relationships and perspective. I look forward to each day with a sense of confidence in my ability to remain focused on my intentions and in a constant positive flow. I have made my own portfolio of material from the course that I carry with me. It is the fitness center for my soul, and it is open 24/7.  ~  Lance M.

I have struggled for seven years and 3,000 hours of research into the dark side and did not know what to do with it. This course was wonderful in integrating it with the light side, as well as with both of these sides in me. I am much more at peace with the dark side of the world and, more importantly, my own dark side. This should facilitate a dramatic reduction in my use of judgment and a focus on creating a world from gratitude and joy.  ~  Jim G.

I have been questioning the value of taking a close look at the dark underbelly of the collective shadow. I don't see anyone around me doing that except my husband. Some spiritual friends say, "Why not just focus on the light?" I had an experience with lesson four which has moved this inquiry forward. After reading the story of the Christmas Truce, I found myself spontaneously breaking down sobbing. It was after reading the last line of the song: "That the ones who call the shots won't be among the dead and lame, and on each end of the rifle we're the same." I was crying out of a deep sense of responsibility for being a part of that which caused this. I had a sense (which my mind doesn't yet understand) that I am not separate from "the ones who call the shots" who I have had so much disdain for. For once, I had a sense of not being separate from "them." I have so far held myself as "not a part of that" and "better than" them. I got a glimpse of how much of the same vicious insanity is in me, and has been in me. I am willing to wake up out of that insanity, but that does not make me different or better. And I am not separate. Thank you for putting this course together. It is a great service.  ~  Lynn Marie L.

I really got how my view was perpetuating the results I obtained in my world. I've been scouring your site, breathing and being grateful for all that occurs in my life (past, present and future). I find that I'm much more hopeful and excited – and much more interactive once again with people. So, it follows that breakthroughs are beginning to occur – my daughter found a house, my health is restored, and I'm back to the gym.  ~  Cathie B.

I am forever indebted to you for being instrumental in changing my attitude towards my parents, which in the past was one filled with deeply rooted bitterness and anger. You have convinced me that I solely am responsible for my own circumstances, and that in order to change them, I am the one who has to change. My new attitude is already starting to pay huge dividends, and I am eternally grateful.  ~  David J.

I am feeling a circle of energy that is giving positive feedback, which will manifest more positive energy and more feedback. I am really excited. I cannot appreciate you enough for giving me the amazing opportunity to walk this transformation path. It is giving a huge new dimension to my life. Thank you sooo much!  ~  Esther V.

Don't miss this amazing and inspiring opportunity to be the change and transform your life. To begin your journey through the course, click the link below:

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"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"