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Mother's Day Videos
Short, Inspiring Videos For Mother's Day

Mother's Day Videos

The short, inspiring videos for Mother's Day below are guaranteed to touch your heart. Let us give thanks to all of our wonderful mothers for giving birth to us. And thanks, too, to our Mother Earth for giving us this beautiful playground to experience our lives to the fullest. Thanks, mom!!! Enjoy these great clips, and may you have a most beautiful and enjoyable Mother's Day!

Mother's Day Video #1 : Amazing Animal Mothers (2 min)

Mother's Day Video #2 : No Arms, No Problem! (3 minutes)

Mother's Day Video #3 : Mother's Day for Peace (4 minutes)

Mother's Day Video #4 : Mother's Day Rhapsody (5 minutes)

Mother's Day Video #5 : Three Year Old Mother's Day Rap (2 minutes)

Mother's Day Video #6 : Here's to Moms (1 minute)

Mother's Day Video #1: Amazing Animal Mothers

This amazing video shows the incredible power of mothering in animals across species. These beautiful scenes will tug at your heart strings. Mothers show us the true meaning of love. - 3-minute inspiring video

Mother's Day Video #2: No Arms, No Problem

How can a woman without arms be a good mother? This is how. Watch this short clip and you will be so grateful for what you've got. At the same time, you will be incredibly grateful to this amazing mom for her unstoppable spirit of love for her beautiful baby. - 3-minute inspiring video clip

Mother's Day Video #3: Mother's Day for Peace

Famous mothers come together in this inspiring video to call us to let go of our warring ways and find our way back to peace and love. They also discuss the inspiring origins of Mother's Day as a movement towards greater peace in our world. For an informative article on the origins of Mother's Day and it's call for peace around the planet, click here. - Mother's Day Video for Peace (4 min)

Mother's Day Video #4: Mother's Day Rhapsody

Who says mom's can't have fun! These three signing moms share the joys and woes of motherhood with exceptional enthusiasm and talent. - 5-minute inspiring video clip

Mother's Day Video #5: Three Year Old Mother's Day Rap

This precocious three-year old is way ahead of her time, and she loves her mom. The cuteness factor here is off the charts! - 2-minute inspiring video clip

Mother's Day Video #6: Here's to Moms

Google's inspiring one-minute tribute to moms everywhere. So much love and gratitude packed into one minute! Thanks Google. And thank you, mom! We love you!!! - one-minute inspiring video clip

We invite you to share these inspiring Mother's Day videos with your friends and colleagues. Using the amazing power of the Internet, we can send waves of meaningful inspiration around our planet. And for a number of other truly inspiring videos, click here. Thanks for being who you are, and have a most wonderful Mother's Day!

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