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Greetings to all from Fred

Hey all you wonderful PEERS readers and supporters,

I'm excited to have this new readers forum as a place for us to get to know each other and share lots of love and inspiration. Many of you have gotten to know me from my work on the PEERS websites and the emails I send out. What you might not know is that I am also actively involved in a number of local communities and groups that are all dedicated to shifting the paradigm in a variety of ways.

I feel very blessed to have so much richness in my life. I only wish I had a little more down time. My greatest day-to-day challenge is feeling too busy a lot of the time. I actually enjoy having a full life. I just don't enjoy feeling so busy. I've been working on that one for a number of years now and am slowly getting better. I know it is entirely possible to live a rich, full life without feeling busy. And even though I'm quite busy, I like to find time for reading some inspirational materials every day. That is a top priority.

I look forward to getting to know our readers and supporters better here in this forum. Thanks for joining in and have a beautiful day!

With abundant love and joy flowing your way,