Trees that Fall in the Storm
What did you think about those storms a week ago here in the Pacific NW? Power outages, trees blown over, all the prepared food in your local deli purchased before you get there (well that happened to me lol)? It was a quick bit of crazy for sure.
What I was really amazed by were all the toppled trees. From freshly planted landscape trees to 100ft tall hundred year old trees. It really didn’t matter, the trees were coming down all over. What happened? Why did the old strong trees topple? We've been through bad weather like this plenty of times. What was so different about this time? Well the ultra dry weather and drought has caused the roots of these trees to recede while trying to save itself in turn making the grasp into the earth to become weak. The environment changed too rapidly into something the tree wasn’t used to so the trees were FORCED to change with it.
We as humans have a bit more control over our personal environments. Sometimes we CHOOSE to void our soil of the life giving nutrients and water it needs like friendship, faith, love, healthy living and happiness. We need these things to keep our roots strong. With out these important nutrients in our life the roots become weak and when a heavy storm comes along in life, we topple over.
To end this on a good note. I've seen some helping hands out there replanting and re-nourishing the roots to some of those toppled trees. The trees that looked like they were sure to be broken and dead, weathered the storm and will be just fine because of a few good people willing to emoticon I think you get it!