I, Yeshua. Awakener.
I am an ACIM student since 1986.
I have now written two books about spiritual awakening “Stairway. 10 Steps to Heaven.” and “I, Yeshua. Awakener.” I also offer a web course, “A Psychosynthesis Perspective on ACIM”.
Get free copies of the books in exchange for giving me short written reviews!
Lars Gimstedt
Thanks for your contributions, Lars. I wish you all the best with this.
The book ”I, Yeshua. Awakener”, the gospel the Jesus of ACIM could have written, has now been released as an audio book.
Listen to the two first chapters for free, look at the sample in pdf format.
Go to http://psykosyntesforum.se/Yeshua.htm .
Love and blessings, Lars Gimstedt