Circle of Love Ideas
Ideas for Developing Your Own Circle of Love
Below are a number of empowering ideas for building friendship, intimacy, and community in a Circle of Love. For a basic introduction to the idea of Circles of Love, click here. For inspiring ideas on deepening your one-on-one love relationships, see our Love Ideas and Exercises page.
Circle of Love Suggested Statement of Purpose
- We gather here to strengthen our connection with each other and with all people through giving and receiving heartfelt love, and through inspiring each other to be all that we can be in every moment of our lives.
Inspiring Ideas for Regular Circle of Love Activities
- Open and close by reading the statement of purpose and spending a Moment of Love and/or breathing the Web of Love together. Share a prayer, invocation, or inspiring story.
- Each person take a moment to share how they are feeling or what's going on in their lives.
- Take turns sharing breakthroughs and/or breakdowns you've experienced in spreading love, joy, and inspiration in your life.
- Offer support to members facing breakdowns and challenges.
- Write down and discuss your purpose and deepest intentions in life.
- Share breakdowns and breakthroughs in living your life purpose and/or life intentions.
- Explore core challenges in your life and how you can transform them.
- Explore ways we can inspire each other to be all that we can be every moment of our lives.
Circle of Love Discussion Topics
- What does love mean to you?
- What does joy mean to you?
- What is your purpose in life?
- What are your greatest fears?
- How can you move from fear to love?
- What is most important in your life?
- What is your greatest challenge?
- How do you limit yourself and how can you move towards infinite possibility?
- How can you move from the blaming victim mode to being an inspiring, creative role model?
- What role does religion/spirituality play in your life?
- Share a powerful learning experience from your past.
- Share an inspiring story from your past.
- How do you view honesty and secrecy?
- Share your vision for the future of your life.
- Share your vision for the future of our world.
- What does family mean to you?
- What does community mean to you?
- How can you be more than you are being right now?
In the Circle of Love, we advise listening from a place of acceptance, support, and heartfelt love. It is quite normal for people to disagree on any number of things. There is no need to try to agree or to find someone's comments right or wrong. When we do our best to accept and have compassion for our differences, we support each other in moving from a place of unconditional love. And when we choose to see infinite potential in ourselves and in each other, miracles abound.
Inspiring Ideas for Helping Circles of Love to Spread and Grow
Consider inviting regular members of your group to form another Circle of Love with their friends, or to join with one or two other members in doing so. This means that each regular participant could eventually be involved in two circles. Another way of spreading is to bring the Moment of Love to other groups which are not already using it. If each person is willing to help form another circle or bring the Moment of Love to another group, new Circles of Love will continue to bud and spread love around the world.
Other Circle of Love Ideas
- Picnics and potlucks
- Gatherings where friends and/or family members are invited
- Volunteer together for a worthy cause
- Study an inspirational book together
More Circle of Love Ideas. For more inspiring ideas and suggestions for Circle
of Love gatherings, see our sister website Global Community for All. For other inspiring ideas that can be used both for gatherings and for developing your one-on-one love relationships, see Love Ideas and Exercises. Thanks for helping to build a world filled with ever more love and