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From Paranoia to Enlightenment
A Profound Dream With a Delightfully Inspiring Message

"I throw down a towel onto the floor to block the crevice under the door, yet I know that it is only a short matter of time before the gas will seep under the door and effect us, too."

Dear friends,

A powerful dream I had back on February 22, 2001 at 2 AM while on an interpreting assignment in New Mexico held a most profound message for me. At the time, I worked part time both as an Indonesian language interpreter with the U.S. Department of State and as a hospital nurse on a locked psychiatric ward for troubled teenagers. This unforgettable dream left no doubt for me of the power of shifting from fear and paranoia to uninhibited love.

With sacred love and best wishes for a transformed world,
Fred Burks for the inspiring and educational PEERS websites

Dream: From Paranoia to Enlightenment

I am leaning against the railing on an entry ramp outside of the large psychiatric hospital where I work. I'm just outside the side entrance of the hospital near the street. Rather suddenly, a strange, unusual noise in the distance catches my attention.

Turning towards the commotion, I'm startled to notice that everyone down the street aways is smiling and laughing. Some even fall to the ground, rolling in fits of laughter. This wave of laughter gradually overtakes everyone in its path as it moves up the street towards me. I faintly smell something in the air. Feeling something is very wrong, I immediately suspect this might be some sort of massive laughing gas attack against the public.

I quickly slip back inside the hospital and tell a couple nurses there what is happening. Perplexed, yet moved by my sense of urgency, they open the door, step outside, and confirm that they smell something kind of sweet in the air as they hear the wild laughter approaching. Then a short moment later, they too begin smiling. I quickly move away as they then begin laughing uncontrollably. The laughter is very warm and sweet, yet the fact that it is all caused by some chemical agent has me freaked out. I dash further into the building to escape the gas.

As I reach the sterile inner hallways of the hospital, I see strange blockades with flashing lights. At the same time, I hear uncontrolled laughter sweeping down the halls rapidly towards me, so I quickly pull a thin, young blond guy near me into a small side room and slam the door to try to shut out the gas. With a great sense of urgency, I explain to him what is happening outside.

I throw down a towel onto the floor to try to block the crevice under the door, yet I know that it is only a short matter of time before the gas will seep under the door and effect us, too. I quickly ask this guy to join me in prayer. We both pray deeply and sincerely for what's best for all in this situation.

Just a moment after the prayer, the guy morphs into a chubby friend of mine and suddenly jumps on me and sucks something from my forehead. Then in rapid succession he sucks on my neck, chest, stomach, and groin. As he sucks each place, I am utterly amazed to feel any fear in that area being instantly sucked out, leaving in its place nothing but a feeling of deep peace.

Once he finishes sucking, I feel such a deep, profound sense of peace that I, too, surrender to a beautiful smile surging forth from deep within. I realize that whatever this gas is, it is amazingly powerful and transformative. By instantly removing all fear, the gas somehow allows everyone to see who they really are with absolutely no judgment.

With all judgment and fear gone, everyone can't help but laugh as they realize how silly it has been to play all the entangling games of fear that we have been living our entire lives.

Each affected person suddenly knows that they have all along been avoiding some scary unknown deep inside of them, when in actuality, this gas reveals without a doubt that what they have long feared was based in pure illusion and avoidance of their own deep, pure love and divine essence. The veils of illusion are instantly dropped, revealing how we have all simply been fooling ourselves to play the silly games we created in our lives.

As I feel this smile and love glow and spread through my entire being, I move into a deep state of awe. Whoever sent this gas to us is clearly here to help us and to help humankind to make a huge jump forward in our spiritual evolution. A belly full of hearty laughter erupts from deep within as I realize I am now completely free to do the profound love and healing work which I so love to do in this world.

What an amazing and vivid dream! Upon awakening at 2 AM in my hotel room, I immediately knew that I wanted to write it down, though I waited a good while to savor the profound sense of peace and love which was still coursing through my body. I sent out a prayer that somehow everyone on the planet might in some way experience at least a part of this mystical experience. I hope that my sharing it with you here at least gives a taste of this powerful transformation from fear to love.

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